Sunday, June 5, 2011

Billabong Psychedelic Pattern Dress

In exactly one month I will be on my way to China. I am super excited to go on this awesome adventure with Jl.  It's going to be a little difficult to post regularly, but I will do my best to keep you updated. I have been debating on what to wear over there as it is going to be very hot and humid. I also need to try to not overpack too, but that's always hard when you are going oversees. 

Exactamente en un mes estare en camino a China. Estoy super emocionada por este viaje que hare con Jl. Va ser un poco dificil subir fotos regularmente pero tratare de mantenerlos al tanto lo mas que pueda. He estado pensando en que llevarme para ponerme alla porque hace mucho calor y es muy humedo pero tengo que asegurarme de no empacar de mas aunque siempre es dificil con viajes tan largos. 

Wearing a Billabong semi- backless dress. 

I loved the back detail on this dress. I think this is what got me.

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