Wednesday, October 26, 2011


I'm so excited because this weekend I will be going to beautiful Mexico city for a wedding. Jl's cousin is getting married and there was no way we were going to miss the wedding. I'm still trying to figure out what to pack without over packing, but that's very hard for me to do. So far I'm taking four pairs of shoes for three days so let's hope it stays there.

Estoy super emocionada porque este fin ire a Mexico lindo y querido para una boda. El primo de Jl se casa y por ninguna razon nos ibamos a perder de la boda. Aun sigo viendo que me voy a llevar sin llevar de mas pero es muy dificil! Hasta ahorita llevo cuatro pares de zapatos para tres dias asi que espero que no pase de ahi.

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Sunday, October 23, 2011

This past Friday I attended the Carità Fashion Fest 2011 which was held in order to collect funds for Teleton 2011. Collections by Fasha (boutique), local fashion designer Mariana Cantu, and Mexican fashion designer, Kris Goyri, whom was brought from Mexico City, were modeled to the public. Unfortunately I wasn't able to take any pictures for Fasha or Mariana Cantu's collections since I was working backstage, but I have to say that all three shows were amazing.

El viernes atendi al evento de Carità Fashion Fest 2011 para recaudar fondos al Teleton. Fueron modeladas las colecciones de Fasha (boutique), diseñadora local Mariana Cantu, y el diseñador Kris Goyri que fue traido desde Mexico D.F. Desafortunadamente no pude tomar fotos de las colecciones de Fasha ni de Maraia Cantu devido que estuve trabajando backstage, pero si puedo decir que los tres shows estuvieron fascinantes.

One of two photos I was able to take from Mariana Cantu's collection.

I love the checkered detail on the back of this dress.

This was the first outfit modeled from Kris Goyri's collection.

Kris Goyri and I after the show. 
I wore a Forever 21 lace top and satin pencil skirt, necklace from Fasha, and glitter embellished pumps by Jennifer Lopez. 

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Polka Dots In the Desert

I live in the city but it's a dry, desert city on which houses have been built and a population has grown. Yesterday I was able to catch the sunset right before it went down and we took a few shots of the desert area and this polka dot ensemble I threw on.

Vivo en una cuidad que ha sido construida sobre el desierto. Ayer tuve suerte de alcanzar antes de que se bajara el sol y pude tomar algunas fotos del desierto y este conjunto de puntitos. 

Urban Outfitters ruffled skirt worn with Forever 21 polka dots bustier.

Express angora sweater.

Tory Burch Reva red ballerina flats.

Ray Ban sunglasses.


Monday, October 3, 2011

New Look

For a while now I have been wanting a new look, so last week I finally decided to go for bangs. I think bangs can give an edgy chic look and I really like having them during the fall/wintertime when it's not so hot. 

Por un tiempo tenia ganas de un nuevo look asi que por fin la semana pasada me decidi por el fleco. Pienso que el fleco da un look chic y moderno. Me gusta traerlo durante el otoño/invierno ya que no hace tanto calor. 

Express black and white patterned skirt.

H&M fitted blazer worn with mini top from Fasha (boutique).

Boutique 9 open-toed suede boots.

Gold chain collar necklace from Khol's.