Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Lovely Dinner

Last night JL surprised me with a delicious, romantic dinner he arranged for us at his house. Initially we were supposed to cook the pasta and lobster together, but when I arrived to his place the table was set up, the candles were glowing, and the food was prepared. He did an amazing job with the cooking, although he wouldn't have done it without his parents help.

We are usually used to making dinner reservations on Valentindes day, but it was nice to do something different by staying home and just enjoying each other's company.

Anoche JL me sorprendio con una deliciosa cena romantica en su casa. Inicialmente ibamos a cocinar juntos la pasta y la langosta, pero cuando llegue a su casa ya tenia la mesa puesta, las velas encendidas y la cena ya estaba lista. Todo le salio super rico aunque se que no hubiera sido lo mismo sin la ayuda de sus padres.

Por lo regular cada año hacemos reservaciones en el dia de San Valentin, pero fue muy lindo hacer algo diferente y disfrutar de nuestra compañia en casa.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Sushi for Dinner

The other night my cousin Marcel and I had a sushi dinner to celebrate her birthday. She turned 18! I remember my 18th birthday like it was just yesterday. JL and I celebrated with some friends at a club in Mexico since I was turning the legal age. Boy was that fun! I won't give any details but it is definitely a night I have not forgotten. On our way there we stopped before the sun went down to do a quick shoot.

Hace unos dias mi prima Marcel cumplio años y nos fuimos a cenar sushi para celebrar. Cumplio 18! Me acuerdo cuando cumplí 18 como si fuera ayer. JL y yo celebramos fuimos a un antro con amigos en Mexico pues a los 18 ya eres legal. No daré muchos detalles sobre aquella vez pero es una noche que jamas se me olvidara. Paramos a tomar unas fotos antes que el sol bajara.

I was in the mood for wearing a loose top for some reason. My mom lent me this Forever 21 bicolor sweater. 

Aquamarine Nuovedive Italian leather bag

Black Forever 21 straight leg pants.

Ellie Tahari Oxfords. 

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Let It Snow

This week has been filled with unexpected weather transitions. What began as a cold week turned into a snow frenzy and then transformed back into a sunny but cool weekend. I don't think I had ever experienced this kind of cold weather in Texas. Apparently last time it was this cold was over fifty years ago.

 I honestly did not mind the cold weather. I didn't have to go to school for a couple of days and I was able to catch up on some homework, but it is just nice to not be having blackouts anymore.

Esta semana estuvo llena de cambios de temperatura inesperados. Empezo como una semana fria que luego resulto en nevada y termino con un fin de semana asoleado. No creo haber sentido tanto frio aqui en Texas como hasta ahora. Al parecer no avia hecho este tipo de frio en mas de cincuenta años.

La verdad no me molesto este clima helado. No tuve que ir a la escuela por unos dias y pude hacer unas tareas, pero lo bueno es que ya no esta fallando la electricidad.

I wore a light creme, Kenneth Cole coat with my mom's vintage hat and suede faux fur boots.